November 18, 2010

Don Cherry's Hockey Stories: Part 2

A couple of years ago Don Cherry released a new book called Hockey Stories And Stuff. English teachers everywhere shuddered, but publishers and bookstores celebrated as it was an incredible seller.

That should come as no surprise. Neither should the news that Cherry and Random House have teamed up again to produce Don Cherry's Hockey Stories, Part 2

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Cherry is back with more rollicking stories and controversial thoughts that make for entertaining book. Whether it be tales of Eddie Shore or Montreal Canadiens training camp or of Darryl Sly snoring through a coach's speech, this book is a lot of fun.

But what I like best about Part 2 is that the better part of the second half of the book is told by daughter Cindy and son Tim. To have these two tell stories of their dad allows us an intimate look into the man who is really behind the flamboyant suits and big mouth.

That alone makes me recommend Don Cherry's Hockey Stories, Part 2. It is a fun, entertaining book that you can read cover to cover or just pick up and read a few passages at a time.

The bottom line is this - either you love Don Cherry or you hate him. If you love him, treat yourself to this book. You won't regret it.

Also, keep your eyes open for a couple of Cherry DVD releases. Don Cherry's Rock Em Sock Em 22 and the highly acclaimed CBC mini-series Keep Your Head Up, Kid: The Don Cherry Story.

Here's the specs:
  • Hardcover: 272 pages
  • Publisher: Doubleday Canada (Oct 26 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0385670036
  • ISBN-13: 978-0385670036
Here's more from the publisher, Random House:

You thought you'd read them all, did you? Well, you haven't.

Simultaneously loved and loathed, Don Cherry is one of the most talkative and talked-about personalities in hockey today. His more than twenty-five years as a player and coach have informed his popular Hockey Night in Canada commentary segment, "Coach's Corner." And now he's got more stories to share.

In Don Cherry's Hockey Stories, Part 2, Grapes tells us about the 2010 Stanley Cup, relays the lessons he's learned both on and off the ice, and takes us inside hockey's mythical players' "code." You'll encounter familiar names from the game and find out who this idol looks up to. You'll travel back in time to Cherry's days playing in the minor leagues. You'll share his experiences of being named Coach of the Year in the NHL and in the AHL. And you'll hear from his kids about what it was like growing up with a dad like Don..

Don Cherry tells it like it is, for better or for worse. You won't be disappointed.

P.S. Don wants you to know it's a book the whole family can enjoy.


Anonymous,  November 22, 2010 at 8:05 PM  

Just finished reading this one and it is an easy read like the first one but i found there to be far less interesting 'stories and stuff' then the first one had.

I found the few storys by Don Cherrys son and daughter to overall be uninteresting.

I'd give this a 6 out of 10 and i'm a huge Don Cherry Fan so i'm being generous. As much as i love Don Cherry, if he comes out with another book (i doubt he will) i will have to think twice about buying it.


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