"Tough Guy: My Life On The Edge" is a raw and gripping memoir co-authored by the late Bob Probert and Kirstie McLellan Day, chronicling the tumultuous life and career of one of hockey's most notorious enforcers. Probert, known for his fierce presence on the ice and his tumultuous personal struggles off it, provides an unflinchingly honest account of his journey through the highs and lows of professional hockey and personal life. The book offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of professional hockey, where toughness and grit are often as valued as skill and finesse. Probert's narrative takes readers into the heart of the action, describing the adrenaline-fueled battles on the ice and the intense camaraderie shared among teammates. From his early days in the Ontario Hockey League to his tenure with the Detroit Red Wings and Chicago Blackhawks, Probert's career was marked by a relentless commitment to his team and an unwavering dedication to his role as an enfor...