January 9, 2010

Bargain Book Alert! Patrick Roy Biography $7.99

Chapters has recently put the Patrick Roy biography, written by his father Michel, on the bargain shelves. You can now pick up the hard cover book for just $7.99. Just visit Chapters and look in the 90% section.

You can expect a number of hard cover titles to hit the Chapters bargain sections in the coming weeks as publishers prepare for paperback releases in autumn 2010.

Also consider: Bruce Dowbiggin's The Meaning of Puck, now just $5.99.


Anonymous,  January 9, 2010 at 8:41 PM  

How about Al Strachan's Go to the net? Chapters has it for 10 bucks - is it any good?

Joe Pelletier January 9, 2010 at 9:14 PM  

I am not a fan of Al Strachan. But that being said, 10 bucks is not a bad price, although I think it's been at the price for a long time now.

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