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The book is written by Mark Moore, a Harvard graduate known the "smartest man in hockey" as suggested by his almost perfect SAT score (1590 out of 1600). He was drafted by the Pittsburgh Penguins though injuries ended his career before he really got started.
Oh yeah. He also happens to be the brother of well known NHL names Steve Moore and Dominic Moore.
It sounds like the perfect person to write a book on making it in hockey.
Moore does go into all of your typical drills of skating, puck control, passing, shooting and checking, all brilliantly illustrated. He goes into the expected training exercises, both on the ice and off, and both physically and mentally.
But what sets this book apart is Moore's attention to details that most how-to hockey books don't even think of.
He teaches the reader that it is okay to dream and to pursue your dream with passion and spirit. He talks about developing character and how to be a good teammate, and how to avoid the social and political pitfalls.
He guides you through some of the common issues encountered by players and parents in youth hockey and higher levels, allowing you to be prepared and educated. He also teaches the importance of fall back plans just in case a career in hockey is not in the cards.
The book is beautifully laid out, and instantly attracts the reader, which is very important. If you are going to invest yourself and your dreams to this book, you need to be instantly drawn to it. There is plenty of interesting extras throughout the text, such as Inside Stories and PRO-files looking at some of the most famous names in hockey. It is an inviting, easy read. Great job by Moore and by HB Fenn.
If you have serious aspirations of going far in the game (not necessarily the NHL but perhaps college or lower pro levels), this book certainly would be a highly recommended pick up.
And perhaps the best thing about this book is even if hockey is not your future, Moore teaches principles and foundations that are easily transferable to any aspect of life, including school and careers. If you embrace these fundamentals on the ice, you will also apply them in many other aspects of your life, setting you up to become a success at whatever you choose to do. So I highly have to recommend this book to parents for that particular reason.
Of course the player reading this book is mostly interested in it to become a hockey player. Purchasing the book also will get you free access to bonus content online at www.sportsmaster.tv, which includes interactive tools to see concepts in action and to manage your progress.