The first we'll look at is On This Day In Hockey, published by Scholastic.
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The Scholastic label should quickly indicate that this is a juvenile book, specifically aimed at kids from ages 7 through 12.
The book looks at one famous thing that happened on each day of the year. It's great for young readers who want to know what happened on their birthday, or their friends’ birthdays, or their friends’ friends’ birthdays, etc.
Older readers will have to turn to the internet or some other source if they want more famous feats recorded on a daily basis. Zweig strictly sticks with just one per day, and therefore correctly aims the book at youth.
The book is also stacked with black and white photos throughout, both historical and current. Full page spreads featuring famous events, people, teams and trivia are frequently included in the book, expanding the book into a unique way to learn about the great game of hockey.
No doubt about, this is the book for the kid who is looking to wow his friends, teachers, parents and coaches with amazing facts and stories about Canada's favorite game.