Today I was pleasantly surprised to have Fed-Ex deliver me a package from Scholastic Canada. Inside the box were 6 new hockey books for me to review.
As per agreement with publishing houses, I will wait until the official release dates to properly review the titles. But just so you are aware of what is coming within the next month or so, here's a listing of the books Scholastic sent me:
Just One Goal
by Robert Munsch, Illustrated by Michael Martchenko - Released September 1st, 2008
The Hockey Tree
By David Ward and Brian Deines - Released November 1st, 2008
Wendel and The Great One
by Mike Leonetti, Illustrated by Greg Banning - Released October 1st, 2008. Also available in French - Wendel Clark et le grand Gretzky
Hockey Trivia for Kids 2
, by Eric Zweig - Released October 1st, 2008
Hockey Superstars 2008-2009
by Paul Romanuk - Released October 1st, 2008
Slapshots: The Complete Series: Books #1-4, by Gordon Korman - Released October 1st, 2008 (Amazon link not yet available)
As per agreement with publishing houses, I will wait until the official release dates to properly review the titles. But just so you are aware of what is coming within the next month or so, here's a listing of the books Scholastic sent me:
Just One Goal
The Hockey Tree
Wendel and The Great One
Hockey Trivia for Kids 2
Hockey Superstars 2008-2009
Slapshots: The Complete Series: Books #1-4, by Gordon Korman - Released October 1st, 2008 (Amazon link not yet available)